You know, I usually stay away from portraits of people. I don't know why, but I prefer to have animals or plants or vague images of people in the art I look at. Sometimes, putting a cute kid or a pretty retro woman from the Fifties on something just seems too easy. It bothers me, too, because often these female images that are used are typical thin conventionally beautiful women. Why would I want my home covered with images of those women. I mean there is nothing wrong with them, but if all I see are images of women who don't look like me, why wouldn't this affect me negatively at some point. I prefer animals, fat folks or ideally - fat animals.
With that said, I have to admit these two prints got my serious attention lately. Sure, they aren't a huge leap from what I usually like, but they aren't woodland animals. ;-7
From Matte Stephens

I really love this one from Christopher David Ryan

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