Monday, February 29, 2016

Vintage Color Palette - House of Tomorrow

Vintage Color Palette - House of Tomorrow - read more and see hex codes on the blog

This vintage color palette is super interesting. The postcard was made for the Century of Progress Expo which was held at the 1933 Worlds Fair in Chicago. This was The House of Tomorrow.

This house was what they envisioned for the future. The inside looks pretty mid-century and not that surprising from what I saw online. The garage has a pace for a small airplane.

The color palette must have been what they also envisioned for the future. It evokes luxury, ease and modern technology. I really like this combo. I think it would be great in a wallpaper pattern.

The hex color codes are left to right: f78b6a, f5a490, f9e3b3, 8a9ebe

Here is an photo of the house from The Worlds Fair.

The House of Tomorrow - 1933 Worlds Fair -

Built for Chicago’s 1933-34 Century of Progress International Exposition, the House of Tomorrow showcased modern home convenience and creative practical new building materials and techniques to nearly 50 million visitors. 

This three-story, 12-sided house of the future held was made of steel and walls of glass with modern technologies like air-conditioning, a dishwasher, electric “eyes” to open the kitchen and garage doors and a built-in airplane hangar.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Vintage Color Palette - La Cascade du Chateau

La Cascade Vintage Color Palette - ponyboy press blog, see blog for hex codes

I love how the color choices of this postcard from the early 1900's make this waterfall at the castle look like it's on another world. Such an interesting combination of colors that you wouldn't think go together, but they work so well to convey the magical feeling a person must experience there.

The hex color codes are from left to right: 4281c5, fdb6d6, b05741, d0a7ac

Not sure what to do with Vintage Color Palettes? You can use them to design the colors for your website, your living room or your next project. You can also use them to color patterns for online website design. Read more on this post about using Vintage Color Palettes from Ponyboy Press.

See all Vintage Color Palettes here or follow Vintage Color Palettes on Pinterest.

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