Sunday, November 23, 2008

good news and bad news

The good news is: You know that etsy shop that I get my cute cake decorations that you may have seen in this post or this one? Well, she now has a whole new brand website up. It is called Bake it Pretty and you can go there now OR you could visit her blog and enter to win some Bake it Pretty ducats.

The bad news is: Well, it is really more bad news for just me and my dearest. Right after I wrote the last entry I left the house, went to the post office and while driving up Hawthorne was hit by a car. He slammed into my side and my car is most likely totaled. A bummer of a Sunday. I am feeling better about it right now, but I was pretty pissed off and throwing myself a pity party for a few hours. The nice part is that many people nearby helped and were very very kind.

1 comment:

amanda bel said...

Thank you so much for the mention! And, Yikes! So sorry to hear about the car accident...hope you are OK!

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