Thursday, December 16, 2010

christmas tag printables

Christmas is a week away! I can hardly believe it. I haven't started wrapping presents and don't even have everything yet. Once again, I resolve to have all my Christmas gifts by September next year. We'll see how that goes.

I think my favorite thing about wrapping presents is the tags. I sort of have a thing about Christmas tags. It's no wonder considering my old paper and ephemera obsession. Oddly, I didn't even think of it as a collection until I saw this collector's book and wow. I sure would love to look through that.

So, as you can imagine, I'm not really in need of Christmas tags, but these new and vintage printable tags make me wish I was.

Here are some really cute printable tags from the illustration Orange You Lucky blog.

From the blog That's Happy, some pretty little birds that could be tags or ornaments.

Creature Comforts blog has a download from some printable tags in 3 color schemes.

And here's some vintage ones on flickr that you could print up.

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