Saturday, December 4, 2010


I'm feeling a bit under the weather today. Think I've caught that cold that's going around. So, just a quick pop in to tell you about my new favorite food item. Don't you love it when you find some perfect meal that is easy, healthy and you want to eat everyday? For me, in the summer it is always a salad with salmon and fruit and whatever else there is. But, in winter I want warm veggies.

The other day when shopping at Trader Joe's, I saw this guy reach out for this package near me and grab a few. So, of course, I wondered what it was. It was Tuna in Green Curry Sauce. Since I am a pescatarian and pretty much only eat Tuna and Salmon, I was of course interested. I got past the fact that it isn't refrigerated - which always kind of makes me wonder - and got a package.

I went back the other night and got 6 packages. This stuff is awesome and so easy to use. I saute up some onions and other veggies like mushrooms, red peppers, whatever I have and then add on lots of greens like chard, spinach or kale and then just put this on top and saute all together. It is so very good. I am making some right now for lunch.

The red curry is good, too.

Also, on my Trader Joe's hit list right now is their Black Vanilla and Cinnamon tea. It is delish. I recommend it.

So, I'm off to have some of both of these and watch a Christmas movie. Hope you all are having a good weekend.

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